?Everyone knows MODES but me!? --are you an advanced guitar player? in York, Pennsylvania For Sale
Type: Music instruments, For Sale - Private.
morca@juno.com Guitar players refer to playing modes all the time. Are you thinking, ?I do not have the time to learn music theory-I just want to play??
Well, I developed a Method that allows you to play in Locrian, Dorian or Ionian and four other modes by only learning one fingering pattern. Yes, only one--and you may already know it. I will tell you how to move it around the neck so that you can get the correct notes of all seven modes of the major scale in any key, instantly. Play Mixolydian, Lydian, Aeolian and Phrygian in moments and you don?t have to learn music theory to do it..
Most players will disregard this thinking it cannot be that simple. Well I am here to tell you that it really is! I have been playing guitar using this approach since xxxx when I copyrighted this Modes Method. I can prove it to you at NO RISK to you. Write back for more info. Only $10.00 and the postage is prepaid.
From Modes Method users:
Yeah, it?s a neat concept...where positioning is everything. Makes sense too. Matt
Thank you very much! I've been playing for 40 years pretty much in the rock and roll and blues vein. Ive always wanted to learn the modes, but frankly my playing was at least to me, decent enough to have been in a few relatively "successful" local bar bands, as a lead guitarist, but Ive always known that something was lacking, and knowing modes was one of them. I am 52 years old, and my playing has become stagnant. When I saw your posting on Craigslist I was intrigued. I have a Boss looper and Ive started to do what was suggested in your tutorial, by just playing these patterns over an A minor, and a couple of other keys, and yes, it absolutely does work. As I am self taught, I have never learned proper theory, and this shortcut will help immensely. Thanks again for the extra help. I will study this, as time permits. I just needed a little clarification in order to make sure that I was heading in the right direction. Your method is so simple, that I thought I had to be missing something.
Peace, Bob
thanks, got this yesterday. It is definitely?beautiful in its simplicity. Thanks again, Steve.
Hi Dan. I finally got a chance to look at your method. How simple you make it?I'm really getting in to the modes. Your tips are very helpful! Thanks Matt
More at: www DOT modesmethod DOT mysite DOT com
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