If you have a few minutes, listen to music from Shoals based rock band in York, Pennsylvania For Sale
Type: Music instruments,
For Sale
- Private.
STRANGE WAVES - [alt/rock/indie] -
new CD titled 'Walls:
Listen to our music-
then we would really like your HONEST/CONSTRUCTIVE feedback.
FB - https://m.facebook.com/pages/Strange-Waves/xxxxxxxxxxxx574
Videos - https://youtu.be/VkHla2h3u5k
Reverbnation - http://www.reverbnation.com/StrangeWavesrock
Live videos - https://youtu.be/iyXDRXrWaAY
Thanks for clicking and taking the time to respond
Have a great day! Keep us in mind and thanks for listening
State: Pennsylvania City: York Category: Music instruments
Music instruments in Pennsylvania for sale
Music instruments in Pennsylvania for sale
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