Duck Calls in York, Pennsylvania For Sale
Type: Sport, For Sale - Private.
Don't wait any longer, order a MND call today, we have calls for the timber or open water. Very ducky calls. Dan Goetz won Intermediate Worlds in xxxx with a MND call and took second in xxxx. Has won many meat contests across the midwest with MND call. They are great in the marsh, will not stick. Lifetime free tuning. They are all acrylic call. Made in the United States. All hand tuned. Will custom tune to how you want them.
Call today. Only $90.00 a call, you will not find another all acrylic call for $90.00. We have a special going now. Call and order now, we will include free shipping and a free duck lanyard or game carrier. Just mention you seen the ad on here. You can go to our website and look at some of the colors, we have new colors out daily that dont make website right away, so call for colors you might not see online. We also have MoMarsh products online, so take a look and give us a call.
Mike 314-568-xxxx, or Dan 314-xxxx656, email address is:, website =