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Florida Fishing! Catch Sea Trout and Redfish! in York, Pennsylvania For Sale

Price: $550
Type: Sport, For Sale - Private.

Explore the majestic flats of Southwest Florida and conquer tailing redfish and big tasty sea trout in the low winter tides of Pineland Sound, Southwest Florida!
See intriguing sea life like dolphins, birds, and manatees!
Fun for buddies, couples, the whole family!
6 hour trip at $550 ($50 OFF normal rates), and if you are a military Veteran, we'll discount you another $50.
ABOUT Tenacity ---->
Capt. Bo Johnson (seasoned charter captain, decorated tournament angler & TV show talent) & First Mate Deidra Bridger (industry spokes model, TV show talent, and avid angler) team up in bringing you the ultimate saltwater fishing experience in Southwest Florida & Key West.
They offer adrenaline packed tarpon and shark action as well as family friendly backcountry fishin? for redfish, seatrout &snook. The duo is also active with TV Shows, Magazine Publications, Pro-Staff Duties, Philanthropic Events, and the Tournament World.

State: Pennsylvania  City: York  Category: Sport
Sport in Pennsylvania for sale

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