H O G - H U N T--thermals & night vision in York, Pennsylvania For Sale
Price: $190
Type: Sport, For Sale - Private.
Type: Sport, For Sale - Private.
Start at 5 pm to 7 pm from a heated/air conditioned box blind overlooking a wallo, pig pipe and two Timed feeders using thermal imaging to spot them.
also waiting for a cellular game camera's text of hog picture at another location 3/4 mile away.
when hogs are detected use the included third generation night vision thats mounted on a AR-15 to stalk in and finish the ambush.
To check out how the ambushes go down, go to youtube and search'dehoganator' and see if combat type hunting, firing squad style is for you .
$190.00 for a 6.8(spc) 2 available or/and $175.00 for a 556 2 available. In the rare case you don't see'em the total cost is $190.00. See'em percent is 93.2 % now Call for more info, avability.